You can save a document with this as a template for future documents if you want so you will not need to do this every time. Once you have this set up, you should not use the buttons for numbering in the Ribbon but rather apply the appropriate style for that level. Place the cursor on a blank place of the document and click Home > Multilevel List, then select the number list you need, in this example, I select the number. See screenshot: Now, numbering the multiple headings. The basic idea is that the numbering is set using the Define MultiLevel List dialog with each numbering level being attached to an existing paragraph style. Click Browse the heading in your document tab in the Navigation pane, you can see all the headings and the heading style of your current document.
Start with How to create numbered headings or outline numbering in Word 2007 and Word 2010 For large documents you must follow these directions or you will lose your hair! If you use automatic paragraph numbering or bullets read Shauna Kelly's articles on numbering and bullets.

Ive been following previous advice given in a separate thread - thank you I have a new document Ive been given to collaborate on and its got this multilevel numbering set up per the heading styles, but for some reason when I hit enter a new number doesnt automatically appear, despite the fact it looks active, i.e. What is the setting for which style is to be used by the following paragraph? Multilevel numbering, heading style, not working. What will happen when you press Enter depends on how the Style is defined. When using this method, the best way to apply numbering is to apply the style, rather than use the numbering buttons. These settings are found in the Design tab (introduced into Microsoft Word with version 2013). Fortunately, you can permanently change just two Styles (+Body and +Headings) to give your documents a more businesslike typeface. For example, to apply the top level numbering click Heading 1 and for the third level numbering click Heading 3 (assuming those are the styles you assigned). One of the most persistent frustrations legal users have with Microsoft Word fonts is the default font settings. This is the definitive article on the subject in Word for Windows. In the Styles gallery, click the style that corresponds to the number level you wish to apply. Character styles which can be deleted/reset will be indicated by a lone a symbol. i.e. Right click the Character style you want to reset. I have a template that has two Heading 8 (only one is listed but both appear in the Replace style option) and it is definitely somewhere in the document even though it does not appear on the list of styles because I cant find it to remove but it is stuffing up my numbering.

Then right click on the desired Heading style you wish that text to resemble and select Update Heading to Match Selection.

You may apply headings using Styles in the tool ribbon or using the Key commands Ctrl+Alt+1 (Windows) Open the Styles Pane. Alternatively, use the shortcut Ctrl + Alt + Shift + S. Highlight the text and format using the Font tools in the ribbon. How to create outline numbering in Word by Shauna Kelly. Instructions tested on Word 2010 Select the Home tab and open the Styles pane with the launcher button in the bottom-right of the Styles group. Here is the same link John gave you (full name). That is not about multi-level lists nor about attaching to a style.